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Batik Indonesia has been Recognized as a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO

Batik from Indonesia has been recognized as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO.

Batik art in Indonesia has been found since the Majapahit kingdom. This world cultural heritage is said to have existed since the 18th century.

For hundreds of years as a distinctive Indonesian culture, batik was finally inaugurated as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO on October 2, 2009.

Batik in Indonesia has a very diverse pattern in each region. The richness of this pattern makes batik worthy of being called a world cultural heritage.

Batik cloth itself is part of the daily life of the Indonesian people. Since birth, Indonesian people are familiar with the use of batik cloth.

Batik cloth is used as a uniform material and traditional clothing in almost all regions in Indonesia.

In the official UNESCO website, they chose batik to be included in the Intangible Cultural Heritage or Intangible Cultural Heritage (WBTb) with a strong reason.

UNESCO itself wrote in the announcement of the inauguration of batik as an Intangible World Cultural Heritage (WBTb) like this.

"Technique, symbolism, and culture in the manufacture of hand-dyed batik on cotton and silk have blended into the lives of the Indonesian people."

Therefore, Indonesia is mandated to continue to preserve the culture and science of batik.

Since it was inaugurated by UNESCO in 2009, every October 2 is commemorated as the National Batik Day in Indonesia.

Usually on National Batik Day, Indonesian people will wear batik-patterned clothes on the anniversary.

Since it was inaugurated by UNESCO in 2009, every October 2 is commemorated as the National Batik Day in Indonesia.

Usually on National Batik Day, Indonesian people will wear batik-patterned clothes on the anniversary.

In the future, it will be a joint task between the government and the community to continue to preserve this batik culture.

Have you prepared the batik that will be worn on Sunday, October 2, 2022?

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