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Batik Tulis Village Jendi Wonogiri Selling Well in The Market

WONOGIRI - A number of women who are members of the Mekar Sari batik craftsman group in Bendungan Hamlet, Jendi Village, Selogiri District, Wonogiri Regency, continue to develop batik production which is now claimed to be innovation in the local village. That is because the batik they produce is quite unique, namely combining batik Tulis, stamp, and ciprat.

Based on the information gathered, batik production in the Bendungan Hamlet was initiated since 2019. Initially, there were 16 women who took part in batik training at the Wonogiri Work Training Center (BLK). For 20 days, they were trained in how to produce written batik.

After undergoing training for 20 days, as many as 16 women had batik skills. But their skills are still limited to mastering the basic science, namely the batik ranking. Basic skills are considered still lacking in the current era.

Furthermore, Revolani as the initiator of Batik Mekar Sari and dozens of women management of PKK Hamlet in the Bendungan Hamlet to Batik Businessmen in other regions. Among them are Tirtomoyo District (Wonogiri), Karanganyar, Solo, to Jogja. Anjangsana results made Revo think of making different batik products.

"There are already a lot of written batik. Batik stamp and Ciprat also exist. I suggest, what if combined between writing, stamp, and ciprat. Mothers agreed. We also surveyed prices. In Jogja for example, the price of written batik there can be up to Rp1.5 million. We can press up to half, "said Revo, his nickname, Tuesday (6/9/2022).

Shortly after training and Anjangsana, Mekar Sari batik began to be produced. Every day, from 09.00 WIB until late afternoon, Revo with mothers in the Bendungan Hamlet produces batik.

Two locations that are usually the place of batik production, namely in a smart house managed by the Village Government (Pemdes) Jendi and the house of one of the residents in the Bendungan Hamlet. As production starts, batik combinations made by residents of Dam Hamlet began to be ordered by people.

In addition to accepting combination batik orders, Mekar Sari batik crafters are also ready to accept batik or stamp orders. From the original 16 batik crafters, there were only 10 people left.

"We adjust it to the request of the customer. There are those who ask for written batik, we make written. There are those who ask for batik stamp we make a stamp, "added Revo.

He explained, the process of producing written batik with other batik is different. This is influenced by the level of difficulty. The time needed when making batik can be weeks or months.

"The problem is that batik is a difficult process. Have to draw first, nyanting one by one to one full cloth. After that given a basic color, dried in the sun, colored again. Then boiled with water before ready to sell. Unlike the batik stamp, no need to draw and slam first, there is already a mold. "The manufacture of ciprat batik is only by splashing cloth with coloring," he explained.

Mekar Sari batik cloth size 2 m x 1.15 m to 2.5 m x 1.15 m is usually sold at Rp125,000/cloth up to Rp750,000/cloth. The more expensive the price of batik, shows the high level of difficulty during the manufacturing process.

"Every month there are those who order. Starting from local residents, PKK at the sub -district level to be ordered as a political party uniform, "he said.

Revo said the sale of a combination of written, stamp and ciprat combination had reached Belgium. This happened when one of Revo's brothers from Belgium visited Indonesia.

"When I found out I was selling batik, he was interested in buying and taking him to Belgium. After that, he ordered more batik to be sent to Belgium. Because shipping costs are more expensive than the price of a piece of cloth, I don't dare to send there, "he said again.

In 2020, Batik Mekar Sari was registered as a village innovation product. In the village innovation competition held by the Wonogiri Regency Government in 2020, Batik Mekar Sari was ranked seven of the top seven. After getting seventh, the innovation product was competed again the following year.

Batik Mekar Sari was included in the 2021 village innovation competition. At that time, Jendi's village was ranked fifth out of 200 competitors. Innovation products proposed are not only Mekar Sari batik. But there is also a garbage bank program managed by residents of Bulu Hamlet.

"From all villages in Selogiri District only Jendi Village was nominated. This year, we are targeting to add more innovation products, so there are three in total. But for the time being we just designed it, "Village Head (Kades) Jendi, Suharni, Wednesday (7/9/2022).

In addition to involving Mekar Sari batik in the village innovation competition, the Jendi Pemdes also provided assistance and participated in marketing so that Mekar Sari batik could continue to grow.

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