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Batik Jelujur from Lampung at New York Indonesia Fashion Week

New York - Designers from Indonesia have successfully showcased their works at New York Indonesia Fashion Week 2022. Various unique motifs and designs also graced the catwalk stage at New York Indonesia Fashion Week 2022. One of the designers who participated in the international fashion show this is Ariez M. Ansyah. At New York Indonesia Fashion Week this time, Ariez carried the typical pattern of Pesawaran Lampung Regency, namely Sulam Jelujur.

Ariez M. Ansyah admitted that he was very happy to have the opportunity to participate in the New York Indonesia Fashion Week 2022. Moreover, he was the opening act to showcase his best works.

"I happened to be the opener at this event, for me it was really extraordinary, yes, to be able to join Ney York Indonesia Fashion Week 2022," said Ariez M Ansyah.

Although this is not the first time he has shown his teeth at an international event, Ariez admitted that he did not expect to have the opportunity to promote his best designs and Indonesian culture at New York Indonesia Fashion Week 2022.

"For New York, this is the first time. However, for international fashion events, this is the second time," said Ariez.

"I really didn't expect it. Because my appearance at New York Indonesia Fashion Week this time was not only bringing my own brand, but actually bringing batik craftsmen and art in making the works that we display today," he said.

Ariez said that his preparation to take part in the New York Indonesia Fashion Week was very short. It didn't take long for Ariez to create a dress with the typical Lampung Regency design.

"For the preparation, it's actually very, very short, yes, not even two months. From the embroidery process to the finishing of the product, it's about a month and a half," he concluded.

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