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Blora Diffable Batik House Provides Various Motifs and Creations with High Quality Materials

BLORA - Blora Difabel Batik Home Business which is located at Jalan Mr. Iskandar number 123 Mlangsen Gabus, the city of Blora (more precisely behind the Gabus Pharmacy), the spirit to preserve Indonesian culture by wearing batik clothes and love Batik.

There are millions of batik motifs and creations for people with disabilities in Blora, famous for its high quality materials and the best batik fabrics.

Head of Difabel Blora Mustika (DBM), Abdul Ghofur said that disabled batik artisans always launch the latest batiks at important national moments.

"Indonesian Difabel Batik Handmade is a real work of Difabel Blora's brothers and sisters," explained Gus Ghofur, Abdul Ghofur's nickname.

Famous for its high quality materials and the best batik fabrics, added Abdul Ghofur. “Blora Difabel Brothers and Sisters always display unique, trending, and cool motifs. No batik No cool…,” said Gus Ghofur.

Furthermore, the Head of DBM said that today's batik was done at the Blora Handmade batik business house for Difabel. Blora disabled batik is famous for its quality materials and the best batik fabrics. Always displaying unique trend and cool motifs.

“There is a special price for uniforms for September-December, you know…!!! Come on, hurry up, don't miss it," said Gus Ghofur while tidying up the production of batik cloth for people with disabilities.

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