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The Role of Temanggung Batik in the Global Sustainable Fashion Issue

Today, Friday 30 September 2022, the Sustainable Fashion Cultural Workshop is located at Papringan Caruban, Kandangan District, Temanggung Regency. 

The location is beautiful right? The invitation came from elements of the world of high school level education in Temanggung with competent resource persons. Cultural Workshop "The Role of Batik in the Global Sustainable Fashion Issue" In commemoration of the national batik day.

The commemoration series of #BatikDay2022 was initiated by Temanggung batik makers, the spirit is cool. The resource persons presented were from the owner of the Kelingan batik, Sri Wahyuni. Then from the owner of UMK Shibiru, Producer of Natural Color Strobilanthes Cusia, Fatah Syaifur Rohman. And also attended by Kadinbudpar Temanggung, Sattiyono Atmaji, S.STp, MM.

This event starts from 08.00 - 11.00 WIB at Papringan Kelingan, Caruban, Kandangan.

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