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Batik Pring Suket Pour Jepara snacks in a sheet of Batik cloth

 Mr Makrus, the owner of Batik Pring Suket Jepara is skilled at making batik cloth that his customers have ordered. He included various motifs ranging from Jepara carvings to various typical Jepara snacks.

Makrus should be proud of his work. This is because the Moto Belong batik, which was inspired by hand-made Jepara snacks, was worn by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno.

After that, there were many requests to purchase Moto Belong batik, from academics to entrepreneurs.

The Moto Belong motif has a price tag of 350 thousand. For other motifs, the price ranges from 200 thousand - 2 million depending on the difficulty of the work.

According to him, Moto Belong batik has its own meaning.

"Representing a personality who dares to be different, the most important thing is someone with a passion for ancestral culture," he explained at his residence in Geneng Village, Batealit District, Jepara.

He created various motifs himself when facing various conditions. Such as wedang ronde, durian flower, 45 degrees, and tendrils.

“Inspiration can come in silence. "Sometimes I come when I'm with friends," he said.

Makrus considers batik to be a valuable local wisdom that is worth cherishing.

"It is the artist's responsibility to introduce it to the next generation, especially the family," said the cultural arts teacher at SMAN 01 Jepara.

Making batik, said Makrus, is like "nyemplong". Namely the stage of soaking and cleaning the cloth before the batik making process.

"Being soaked means you have clean intentions," he said.

Even so, he sometimes encounters problems with unpredictable weather. The reason is, the batik he makes still relies on the heat of the sun.

The graduate of the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Yogyakarta said that batik would become a trend and be popular among young people with its bright coloring. Because for him, batik is what creates trends.

He has participated in several events and exhibitions, such as recently Batik Pring Suket participated in the Indonesian Creation Appreciation (AKI) in Kudus.

His love for batik makes him reluctant to wear clothes that are not batik. Starting from hats, sarongs, to shirts.

The graduate of the batik study program prioritizes the improvement process to face problems to make progress

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