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Batik Mapan Singorojo From Mayong Jepara Central Java

 Commemorating National Santri Day and National Batik Day, the Mapan Batik studio held a competition to color the genthong motif which is a batik product native to Singorojo village, Mayong Jepara. The competition activity was attended by 74 participants from MI Assalam Singorojo, the activity was held on Saturday, 21/10/2023, at the Mapan Batik Studio RT 001 RW 002 Singorojo Village, Mayong, Jepara.

Ahmad Jalaludin, founder of Batik Mapan, said it was important to introduce village potential to today's young generation, especially village residents themselves. Through the genthong motif batik coloring competition, which was participated in by Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) students in Singorojo, the aim was to foster children's love for local products.

"The initial steps of this competition were attended by MI Assalam Singorojo itself as a form of introducing local products," he said.

Jalaludin continued to explain the reason why the genthong motif was used as a typical motif for Mapan Singorojo Batik. He explained that the genthong itself was an object that was once mythical as a means of transportation for one of the Waliyullahs who spread Islam in Singorojo Village, namely Mbah Datuk Gurnadi. According to stories circulating in the community, the genthong has a water source that can cure diseases. Until now, Mbah Datuk's grave is still busy with pilgrims from the village and outside the village.

"Mbah Datuk Gurnadi was a very influential figure in the spread of Islam in Singorojo," he said.

Apart from that, Jalaludin also admitted that the motifs produced by the Mapan Batik group had been recognized as products by the Village Government and were known by the Jepara Regency Government. Mapan Batik products with various motifs have been used as uniforms by Village Officials & Village Heads, MI school uniforms, and Madrasah Diniyyah teacher uniforms which are worn on designated days.

Apart from batik cloth, the Mapan Batik Group is also developing souvenirs in the form of batik songkoks with typical Singorojo motifs.

According to his statement, Batik Mapan was once the exemplary champion in the Village Potential category at the district level. The group members have also participated in several trainings and exhibitions at various events in Jepara.

Meanwhile, Sholikan, one of the Village Officials who was also present, fully supports the Batik Mapan activities because they have great potential in Singorojo Village. He hopes that the Mapan Batik Group can continue to develop its products with various innovations so that Mapan Batik products can be widely known by people outside the village.

"Hopefully it will continue to grow and become known to the wider community," he hoped.

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