Education in the Batik Scratches of the Al-Quran Mushaf, Laweyan Batik Village
Solo - A batik entrepreneur in Solo, Central Java, produced a giant batik Quran measuring 3 x 4 meters. Alfa Fabella Priyatmono, the maker, said it took four years to complete hundreds of sheets of cloth into a Quran manuscript.
In addition to taking time, he also had to carefully look at each verse written there. If it is wrong, the manufacturing process must be repeated on a new sheet.
"We will immediately declare the Quran made by the batik process. 30 chapters have been completed. Usually we keep checking, checking when writing, checking during the batik process, checking the screen process, making sure there are no wrong writings, cracks, missing, or breaks. In total, there are almost 600 sheets of cloth," said Alfa, Tuesday (20/04/2021).
The giant Quran sheets are displayed on the wall of the Mahkota Laweyan batik house, but not all of them can be seen, hundreds of other sheets are stored due to limited space to display them.
Alfa has been working on this Quran since 2016, manually with the help of his employees. There are several basic fabric colors used, such as black and white with batik decorations on the edges of the fabric.
This batik Quran was inspired when he saw the process of making a thinly printed Quran, then thickened using a pencil over the fine lines of the writing. Alfa was moved to make it, because the method used is the same as batik.
There are several stages in making this batik Quran. Including tracing the verses, then making batik motifs as decorations, then the batik process with a canting, and the final stage of coloring.
All stages are carried out in different rooms. At least five employees who are accustomed to batik are needed to complete each page of the Quran.
Batik Mahkota Laweyan located on Jl. Sidoluhur No. 9, Sayangan Kulon, Laweyan is a place to make batik Quran manuscripts. Soloevent had the opportunity to visit the display room that displays large batik cloths containing verses of the Quran.
Quran batik is made in three stages, namely tracing the verses of the Quran on the cloth using a pencil, then thickening it with a canting while making the batik motif, and finally coloring.
All of these processes are carried out by other people. One of them is named Sarwono who is in charge of thickening the verses of the Quran with a canting. The process requires precision and caution. "To avoid mistakes, I look at the writing of the Quran first, then thicken it on this cloth. All the processes of making the Quran manuscript are done manually," he explained.
The owner of Batik Mahkota Laweyan and the initiator of the batik Al-Quran manuscript Alpha Febela Priyatmono said that one of the inspirations for making the batik Al-Quran manuscript was the Al-Quran follow the line.
“That is, the Quran is printed thinly, then read while holding a pencil to thicken it. It is intended so that people can read the Quran while writing it. Actually, this batik Al-Quran manuscript is also an educational process for the community to read, write, understand, and be able to carry out the contents of the Al-Quran. In addition, it also depicts culture through the batik motifs that are made,” he said.
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