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Production of Batik Bulan from Pekalongan Translucent Italy

Pekalongan - The story of ups and downs, a success story for an entrepreneur is something interesting to read.

Like the story of the Pekalongan batik entrepreneur, Central Java. The Bulan brand batik business had experienced a slump during the pandemic. But now it's back up, growing and even penetrating Italy.

One of the sightings of Wulan Utoyo's Moon batik Pekalongan. Not only that, from Ganjar, Batik Bulan received orders from Italy.

The owner of Batik Bulan, Wulan Utoyo, stated that one of the factors that contributed to his batik growing overseas was the "Lapak Ganjar" program.

“I idly joined him as a follower (follower Instagram @ganjar_pranowo) at first. Then, I joined "Lapak Ganjar". What is displayed there (the @ganjar_pranowo account) is," said Wulan at his batik production house on Jalan Gabus, Batang Regency.

At that time, his business really dropped drastically because of the pandemic. Then gradually increase. Wulan explained, Batik Bulan product is a written batik that is not targeted at the lower-middle market, but the upper-middle market. He is very confident if his batik has a market.

"I'm very confident, it's okay. Everyone has their own value. We have to believe that we will find the right segment, the right buyer, it doesn't matter if we move at the bottom, middle, or top,” he explained happily.

In fact, some of them have batik tulis that takes two months, three months, and some even one year. Depends on the level of complexity.

For people who want to see his batik collection, Wulan invites the public to visit his batik boutique on Jalan Jatayu Residence C11 Jalan WR Supratman, Pekalongan City.

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