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Getting to Know Batik Sawit Berkait Berau

Apart from the tourist attractions that the district government continues to promote, the Regent of Berau, Sri Juniarsih also asked the Berau Cooperatives, Industry and Trade (Diskoperindag) Department to pay attention to batik craftsmen.

Sri Juniarsih said that she really supports the existence of batik craftsmen in Bumi Batiwakkal - as Berau Regency is known. Because it will enable craftsmen who are housewives to have an independent income, if there is attention to batik makers.

"We will support and I ask Diskoperindag to help budget for the provision of tools for batik craftsmen which currently exist," he said to the media crew some time ago.

He said that currently there is a Berau Batik motif which has copyright from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and is used as a uniform for government and education agencies in Berau Regency.

"This is our consistency in advancing Berau craft culture, so that Berau batik is known nationally while also providing welfare for the craftsmen," said Sri Juniarsih.

In this way, he hopes that in the future the original Berau batik can be further developed like the batik found in other areas. For this reason, he specifically asked all related parties, especially the Berau Regency Diskoperindag, TP PKK administrators together with Dekranasda, to continue to carry out regular training, mentoring, monitoring and evaluation so that the batik produced by craftsmen can be of higher quality and competitiveness.

"There are even craftsmen who have studied in other areas, so they can learn more and be creative regarding batik designs in the future," he added.

With the development of batik in Berau, according to him, this can also improve the existing economy, and can open up new job opportunities for people who are not yet working.

"This can improve the economy and Berau's Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) can also become more advanced, so this can be sustainable," he said.

Meanwhile, starting from the hobby of painting, Binti Asroriyah, a resident of Labanan Makarti Village, created her own distinctive batik pattern, which was named Batik Makarti Sawit Berkait.

Initially this batik was made in order to take part in a batik competition at the Berau Regency level. Because of its uniqueness, Batik Sawit Berkait was officially recognized as the typical Batik of Labanan Makarti Village.

Motif Sawit Berkait Motif was adopted as a typical motif in Labanan Makarti batik due to several reasons, namely:

First: Nearly 80% of the land in Labanan Makarti village is planted with oil palm trees and oil palm trees are a source of livelihood for the majority of the Labanan Makarti community.

Second: The palm trees were deliberately modified to become bekait palms, where the shady palm trees will make people in the shade feel comfortable and cool.

Binti Asroriyah also said that apart from the Sawit Bekait Batik motif, she also adopted a turtle motif and typical Kalimantan carvings which had been modified with calligraphic designs as a sign that Labanan Makarti is an area in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan Province.

Deputy Regent of Berau, Gamalis also supports the creation of products made by women from the Berau region of East Kalimantan, by purchasing Related Palm Batik.

"Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful, because my work has been well received by many people and also the Berau Regency Government, I hope that this Batik Sawit Berkait can be accepted by all groups in Indonesia. he said.

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